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藥師佛,又稱「藥師琉璃光如來」,是東方琉璃光世界的教主。為眾生解除病苦,消災延壽,具足諸根相好,導入解脫。藥師如來信仰,具有現世祈願利益和來世福德。  藥師如來有日光菩薩和月光菩薩脅侍左右,合稱「東方三聖」。  藥師佛所賜的藥乃佛法的良藥,不僅是能除肉身的病苦,消災延年益壽,而且是醫世人的心病,又稱大醫王。



Medicine Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru and also known as the Master of Healing orMedicine Buddha, is the Buddha of healing. The use of the analogy of a Buddhabeing depicted as a doctor who cures the illness of suffering using themedicine of his teachings appears widely in Buddhist scriptures. Height 9cm 

藥師七佛12cm/ Medicine Buddha in seven colour

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